
Enrolment Scheme

The Ministry of Education amended the Clyde School enrolment scheme following community consultation in 2022.  An amended enrolment zone took effect from 01 February 2023 and Clyde School is required by the Ministry of Education to implement this enrolment scheme. All children living within the school’s home zone can be enrolled at Clyde School and remaining places will be offered to out of zone pupils when we have available places. Presently we have closed enrolments for out of zone families to manage roll growth.

Enrolment Scheme 2023.pdf
Enrolment Zone.png

Starting School

Children are entitled to start school the day they have their fifth birthday. They can start later than this at their parent’s discretion, but your child cannot be enrolled before the age of five and must be enrolled by the time they turn 6. 

To enrol your child at Clyde School you will need to fill in the enrolment form below.  We are also required to sight the following original documents and make a copy of these for our records. 

Enrolment Forms -  The following forms need to be completed prior to starting school

The enrolment form can be completed online via this link or you can print and complete the form below.

The ECE and transport form will need to be printed and filled in manually.

Transport and Consent Form (1).docx

Transport Form

ICT / Digital Device Agreement

ICT / Digital Device and   Internet Agreement