Board Members
Abi Hawkins (Interim Presiding Member)
Kris Robb
Chris Lambeth
Wayne McEnteer
Petri Conradie
Megan Tyrrell-Ryder (Staff Trustee)
Stephanie Kitto (Principal)
What is the role of the Board?
All of New Zealand's state schools have a School Board, previously known as a board of trustees (BOT). The Board is the Crown entity responsible for the governance and the control of the management of the school, and are accountable for the school’s performance.
The Board is responsible for determining the strategic direction in which the school is heading (in consultation with parents, staff and students). The board must ensure that its school provides a safe environment and quality education for all its students. Boards are also responsible for overseeing the management of personnel, curriculum, property, finance and administration.
The Principal is the board's chief executive in relation to the school's control and management. The Principal is required to comply with the board's general policy directions; but has complete discretion to manage the school on a day to day basis.
Who is on the Board?
our Board is made up of:
The Principal of the school
One elected staff representative
Five parent elected representatives
Co-opted trustees (as needed)
Trustees are elected by the parent community and staff members. Elections for parent and staff representatives are held every three years (next elections in 2022).
What does a Board do?
Every Board must prepare and maintain a School Charter. The purpose of a School Charter is to establish the mission, aims, objectives, directions, and targets of the Board in relation to the Government’s national education guidelines (NEGs), national administration guidelines (NAGs) and the Board’s local priorities.
The school board has the overall responsibility for the school, including meeting certain legal obligations, responsibility for property, personnel, financial management, reporting to the Ministry and school community, and meeting national requirements set by the Ministry of Education.
The Board makes decisions that the Principal and staff then put in place. It must also monitor and report annually on its progress towards those goals.
Board Meetings
The Clyde School Board meets twice a term and the dates of these meetings are published in the school newsletter and school calendar.
The meetings are not public meetings, but they are "open to the public". This means that even if you're not a member you are welcome to attend as an observer although you may not have speaking rights.
Some items on the agenda may need to be discussed in private, for example if they concern a complaint to the board or a disciplinary matter. This is usually done "in-committee" The board chair will tell you when you need to leave the meeting, and when you can come back after the in-committee discussion is complete.
Source: NZSTA