Learning at Clyde
Akoranga mo ake ake: Learning for Life
Clyde School's strengths are the integrated, school wide programmes and a shared staff understanding of our expectations for effective teaching and learning. Teachers strive to provide well balanced learning programmes, where critical thinking, cooperative learning strategies and digital literacies are an integral part of their approach.
We provide specific programmes for at risk students and for our more able students and Clyde School strongly supports the inclusion of students with special needs. There are programmes in place for individuals and groups with additional needs and their progress is carefully monitored and reported to parents and the board. Staff are given regular opportunities to develop their professional learning on inclusive practices and differentiated curriculum provision based on the educational framework of Universal Design For Learning.
Junior Syndicate - NE - Year 3
Year groups are spread across two syndicates and all classrooms take their names from New Zealand Native birds. The junior syndicate is made up of composite year levels across 3 classrooms. Kaiako/teachers strive to develop strong, caring relationships with Ako and Whānau. Learning environments and opportunities reflect the interests, needs and strengths of the learners within them. Teachers support learners to begin to build awareness of and take responsibility for their emotional, developmental and academic growth. These are the first steps in our Ako journey of becoming a self-regulated and lifelong learner. Megan Tyrrell-Ryder is the Junior Syndicate leader and can be contacted via email.
Middle & Senior Syndicates - Year 4 - 8
Our middle & senior syndicate consists of 4 classes consisting of composite year levels. In 2024 we have Pīwakawaka year 4 & 5, Kārearea years 5/6, Kiwi years 6/7, and Ruru year 8. As our year 6 students are split between the middle and senior syndicates both syndicates work closely together. Jayne Fitzgerald leads our middle syndicate (years 4-6) and Sandy Rose leads our senior syndicate (years 7 & 8).
Teachers in the middle and senior syndicate are dedicated to developing independent learning skills in each child through a range of strategies in each curriculum area. We recognise the individual strengths and interests of each student and teacher and use this to create learning programmes that will build on these and challenge them in many ways. Each student is provided with or brings their own digital device and this is used as one of the many tools to enhance their learning.
Learning Zones
Our Senior students have an online learning zone which supports them to become self-regulated learners.
When students are not engaged in whole class instruction or small group workshops they self-manage their independent learning time, engaging with learning material that has been posted on their learning zone.
'Rewindable' or 'flipped' learning is a key feature of our senior programmes. Pre-recorded lessons, instructions and examples are uploaded to the learning zones and are available for students to access whenever they choose.
Hero - Learning Management System
In 2024 we will begin using the a new student management system called Hero.
Hero enables teachers, students, and families to view and share content anytime, anywhere on any device. The software is secure, easy to use and brings together all school-related information in one place. Because Hero has the ability for us to share learning in the same way as the Seesaw platform, and has a notification and messaging function that is similar to Skool loop, from the beginning of 2024 we will move away from these apps and we will use Hero for all school communication.
Hero will also enable us to move to 'real-time reporting', which will allow you to see your child's progress on-line in real time. Staff and students are able to post learning content to the Hero platform and you will be able to add comments.
Learning posts combined with curriculum information and goal-setting will form an online report designed to build year on year so that over time you will have access to written posts, images, video, work samples, and helpful resources all in one place.
Instructions on how to login to Hero will be sent home to all parents at the beginning of 2024 and subsequently as students enrol at school. Your child's learning portfolio is private and only accessible via your personal access code.