Vision and Values
School Vision: Akoranga Mo Ake Ake: Learning for Life
Empowering Connected, Ambitious, Respectful, Engaged Learners
Clyde School carries out this mission by:
Fostering the warm, caring school tone we are proud of and having a distinct culture, ‘the way we do things’ at Clyde School.
Providing a balanced programme, implementing the best possible teaching strategies and resources, using where possible, learning opportunities in our local community and environment.
Focusing on the New Zealand Curriculum’s Key Competencies of Thinking; Using Language, Symbols and Texts, Managing Self, Relating to Others and Participating and Contributing.
Providing a caring, safe environment where everyone feels included.
Developing within children a positive self-image and sense of identity.
Ensuring each child does the best that they possibly can and that they develop positive work ethics. We strive for a high level of student enthusiasm and engagement in the school programmes. We aim to develop students who are able to self manage their learning.
Developing within children a sense of responsibility for their own learning and behaviour, a tolerance of others, and effective social skills.
Giving priority to Literacy and Numeracy teaching. Assessing children’s progress and achievement in these key areas and reporting this information to our community, the M.O.E., our students and their families in plain language.
Work together to develop connected, ambitious, respectful and enthusiastic young New Zealanders.
C.A.R.E Values:
Our C.A.R.E. values are our taha wairua – our school’s inner spirit. They give us meaning and motivation.
By the time our Year 8 students leave Clyde School we want them to be:-
Have a strong sense of belonging (whanaungatanga), and understand and value the rich connections with self, others, their environment and the world.
Have a growth mindset to strive to be their best in whatever they choose.
They will value and respect themselves, others and the environment.
Be confident learners who embrace opportunities and challenges with a positive attitude.